Condition Event Examples¶
-- Provides access to MQ functions
local mq = require('mq')
-- Provides helper functions
local library = require('lem.library')
local itemname = 'Journeyman\'s Boots'
local buffname = 'Journeyman Boots'
---@return boolean @Returns true if the action should fire, otherwise false.
local function condition()
return mq.TLO.FindItem(itemname)() and
not mq.TLO.Me.Buff(buffname)() and
mq.TLO.Spell(buffname).Stacks() and
mq.TLO.Me.FreeBuffSlots() > 0 and
not mq.TLO.Me.Invis() and
not mq.TLO.Me.Casting() and
mq.TLO.Me.Standing() and
local function action()
mq.cmdf('/useitem "%s"', itemname)
return {condfunc=condition, actionfunc=action}