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Getting Started


Check out MacroQuest if you are interested in building it for yourself, otherwise head to RedGuides for a more streamlined experience.

Lua Scripts

MacroQuest added support for Lua scripts as an alternative to the existing macro scripting language. In addition to all the capabilities available to macros, these also have the ability to use ImGui to create new UI windows to go with the scripts.

Installing a Lua Script

Manual Install

Lua scripts may come packaged as either a single .lua file download such as eval.lua or as a zipped folder such as

  • Downloads consisting of a single .lua file should be placed directly into the MQ lua folder, or wherever the resource specific install instructions instruct for files to be placed.
  • Downloads consisting of a zip file should be unzipped, and the resulting folder should be placed into the MQ lua folder, or wherever the resource specific install instructions instruct for files to be placed.

RedGuides Launcher

  1. Navigate to the resource page for a given Lua script, such as BoxHUD, and click the Watch button on the Overview tab.
  2. Open the RedGuides Launcher and install the Lua resource from the Lua tab.

NOTE: Some scripts may perform additional install steps when they are run, such as prompting the user to accept the download of a separate dll file such as lfs.dll.

Running a Lua Script

  • /lua run scriptname where scriptname is the launch script for the resource, such as eval or the name of the unzipped folder such as boxhud.

Autostart Lua Scripts

For ALL Characters:

  1. Right click your MQ tray icon in the taskbar and select Open Folder > Config
  2. Create a new file ingame.cfg, or open it if you already have one.
  3. Add the line /lua run scriptname where scriptname is the script you want to run, such as boxhud or lem.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Test in game by running /loadcfg ingame.cfg or by logging in a character.

For a SPECIFIC Character:

  1. Right click your MQ tray icon in the taskbar and select Open Folder > Config
  2. Create a new file server_Character.cfg, or open it if you already have one, where server is replaced with your EQ server short name, and Character is replaced with your character name. For example, rizlona_Dudebro.cfg.
  3. Add the line /lua run scriptname where scriptname is the script you want to run, such as maui or luabard.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Test in game by running /loadcfg server_Character.cfg or log in the character.

NOTE: If you created ingame.cfg or server_Character.cfg using Notepad, like by right clicking in your config folder and selecting New > Text Document, then the file was probably saved with the wrong file extension, like ingame.cfg.txt. You will need to remove the .txt file extension before it will work.